Zhu Lab
Featured Publications
Murine models of IDH-wild-type glioblastoma exhibit spatial segregation of tumor initiation and manifestation during evolution
Li, Y., Li, B., Li, W., Wang, Y., Akgül, S., Treisman, D.M., Heist, K.A., Pierce, B.P., Hoff, B., Ho, C.Y., Ferguson, D.O., Rehemtulla, A., Zheng, S., Ross, B.D., Li, J.Z. and Zhu, Y. PMID: 32699356 Nature Communications 22;11(1):3669. doi: 10.1038/s41467-020-17382-3 July (2020) -
Sox2+ cells in Sonic Hedgehog-subtype medulloblastoma resist p53-mediated cell-cycle arrest response and drive therapy-induced recurrence
Treisman, D.M., Li, Y., Pierce, B.R., Li, C., Chervenak, A.P., Tomasek, G.J., Lozano, G., Zheng, X., Kool, M. and Zhu, Y. Neuro-Oncology Advances (2019) -
Opposing tumor promoting and suppressive functions of Rictor/mTORC2 signaling in adult glioma and pediatric SHH medulloblastoma
Akgül, S., Li, Y., Zheng, S., Kool, M., Treisman, D.M., Li, C., Wang, Y., Gröbner, S., Ikenoue, T., Shen,Y., Camelo-Piragua, S., Tomasek, G., Stark, S., Guduguntla, V., Gusella, J.F., Guan, K.L., Pfister, S.M., Verhaak, R.G. W., and Zhu, Y. PubMed PMID: 29996106 PMCID: PMC6116735 Cell Reports 10;24(2):463-478.e5. doi: 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.06.050 July (2018) -
Transient inhibition of the ERK pathway prevents cerebellar developmental defects and improves long-term motor functions in murine models of neurofibromatosis type 1
Kim, E., Wang, Y., Kim, S., Bornhorst, M., Jecrois, E.S., Anthony. T.E., Wang, C., Li, Y.E., Guan, J., Murphy, G.G., Zhu, Y PubMed PMID: 25535838 eLife 23;3. DOI: 10.7554/eLife.05151 December (2014) -
ERK inhibition rescues defects in fate-specification of Nf1-deficient neural progenitors and brain abnormalities
Wang, Y., Kim, E., Wang, X., Novitch, B.G., Yoshikawa, K., Chang, L.S. and Zhu, Y. PubMed PMID: 22901811 Cell 150(4):816-830 (2012) -
Expression of mutant p53 proteins implicates a lineage relationship between neural stem cells and malignant astrocytic glioma in a murine model
Wang, Y.*, Yang, J.*, Zheng, H., Tomasek, G.J., Zhang, P., McKeever, P.E., Lee, E.P. and Zhu, Y *Co-first author PMCID: PMC2721466 Cancer Cell 15(6):514-26 (2009) -
Induction of abnormal proliferation by nonmyelinating Schwann cells triggers neurofibroma formation
Zheng, H.*, Chang, L.*, Patel, N., Yang, J., Lowe, L., Burns, D.K. and Zhu, Y *Co-first author Cancer Cell 13:117-128 (2008) -
Early inactivation of p53 tumor suppressor gene cooperating with NF1 loss induces malignant astrocytoma
Zhu, Y., Guignard, F., Zhao, D., Liu, L., Burns, D. K., Mason, R. P., Messing, A. and Parada, L. F. Cancer Cell 8 (2): 119-130 (2005) -
Neurofibromas in NF1: Schwann cell origin and role of tumor environment
Zhu, Y., Ghosh, P., Charnay, Burns, D.K. and Parada, L.F Science 296 (5569): 920-922 (2002)